About usEstablished in 1993, Veterans Research and Education Foundation of St. Louis (VREF) is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, whose main purpose is to help fund different research projects within the VA St. Louis Healthcare System.
Supporting those who ServeWe currently support research in a variety of areas. All donations and contributions go directly to supporting our veterans and those who serve!
How You Can ContributeThe Foundation provides a flexible funding mechanism for VA-related research and education and will foster the next generation of researchers in the St. Louis metro area.
Those who have sacrificed to serve deserve the best health care available. The mission of the Veterans Research and Education Foundation of St. Louis is to improve the health and well-being of Veterans through research and education conducted within the VA St. Louis Healthcare System.
Our Vision is that every Veteran will receive the best possible care through research-related health care improvements.
The Foundation’s goal in partnering with the VA St. Louis Healthcare System is to focus on Veteran related issues and successfully spotlight opportunities to improve their well-being. The veteran population in the St. Louis metro area includes men and women who have served their country from World War II and the Korean War thru Vietnam, Iraqi Freedom, and the conflict in Afghanistan. Veterans often present unique challenges; through the administration of grants and donations, the research and education teams target those specific needs and potential long-term benefits for improved quality of life. The Foundation provides a flexible funding mechanism for VA-related research and education and will foster the next generation of researchers in the St. Louis metro area. Established in 1993, Veterans Research and Education Foundation of St. Louis (VREF) is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Our Vision is that every Veteran will receive the best possible care through research-related health care improvements.
The Foundation’s goal in partnering with the VA St. Louis Healthcare System is to focus on Veteran related issues and successfully spotlight opportunities to improve their well-being. The veteran population in the St. Louis metro area includes men and women who have served their country from World War II and the Korean War thru Vietnam, Iraqi Freedom, and the conflict in Afghanistan. Veterans often present unique challenges; through the administration of grants and donations, the research and education teams target those specific needs and potential long-term benefits for improved quality of life. The Foundation provides a flexible funding mechanism for VA-related research and education and will foster the next generation of researchers in the St. Louis metro area. Established in 1993, Veterans Research and Education Foundation of St. Louis (VREF) is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.