Vet-PD: The Veterans Parkinson's Disease Genetics Initiative
Vet-PD is a cross-sectional observational study that seeks to better define the genetic architecture of PD in understudied populations. There are two main objectives. The first is to provide DNA, clinical data, and demographic information to the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2) for use in its ongoing PD genome-wide association studies. The second is to bank DNA and plasma, linked to genetic, clinical, and demographic data, in an existing VA repository (Parkinson's Genetic Research [PaGeR] Repository;
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert White
Study Coordinator: Carley Browning
This study is currently enrolling patients. To learn more about VET-PD and how you can join contact our research office at (314) 289-7690
This study is funded by the Foundation through the Michael J. Fox Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert White
Study Coordinator: Carley Browning
This study is currently enrolling patients. To learn more about VET-PD and how you can join contact our research office at (314) 289-7690
This study is funded by the Foundation through the Michael J. Fox Foundation